The Wildland-Urban Interface: A customised decision-making solutions.

Jonathan Bell: GIS Project Lead: Biodiversity Conservation Services

Now more than ever, the ability to make informed data driven decisions is paramount for project success. Over the past 10 years, NCC has become a leader in geospatial data analytics. Using scientifically proven methods combined with ESRI technologies, we design customised decision-making solutions for our clients and associates.

One of our projects is the Cape Peninsula Fire Protection Association’s
Wildland-Urban Interface Wildfire Risk Assessment. Funded by the Table Mountain Fund and Volunteer Wildfire Services, this assessment utilises the SANS 31000:2009 and ISO 31000:2010 guidelines for risk management combined with in-depth field verification and stakeholder engagement.

This web application graphically maps the risk of wildfire along the CPFPA’s WUI to the economy and human lives. The web application further graphically and interactively depicts contributing factor to the risk: slope, emergency response time, vegetation and land use.

The custodian of the dashboard is the Cape Peninsula Fire Protection Association and the mentioned data is available at their discretion. Please feel free to contact NCC Environmental Services if you want more information.

The Wildland-Urban Interface is one of many tools developed by NCC’s GIS specialist and can be adapted for any organisation and need.

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