Case Study: Film, Sports & Events

The location was successfully rehabilitated to a condition that closely resembled its natural state; allowing nature to complete the rest and Blood Diamond went on to be honoured with several Academy Award Nominations.
Main sequences of the feature film Blood Diamond were shot on the Pondoland Wild Coast. The area is home to the Pondoland Centre of Endemism, a global biodiversity centre which includes several rare and threatened plant species.
The producers were anxious to minimise the environmental impact of their activities on this fragile location and wanted to work with an environmental partner who shared their strong ethic. They also wanted to work with a committed team player who could think fast, respond efficiently and meet the high pressure demands of feature film production.
Continuing on our long- standing successful relationship with Moonlighting Film, NCC was contracted to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment, prepare an Environmental Management Plan and provide Environmental Control functions on set.
Summary of consultancy
- Environmental Impact Assessment: NCC ‘s extensive experience and close working relationships with environmental authorities ensured all of the required applications and approvals were in place before set contsruction and principle photography
- Environmental Management Plan: NCC thoroughly assessed potential environmental risks, conducted search and rescue operations, and generally planned environmental management with consideration to the extensive, yet temporary nature of the film set and activities
- Environmental Control Officer: NCC’s ECO kept pace with script changes and maintained environmental compliance in the fluid environment of feature film production
Filming was completed on schedule with no environmental incidents or costly delays. Within months the location site was fully rehabilitated to it’s ( as above) condition and Blood Diamond went on to be honoured with an several 2006 Academy Awards nominations.